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TOEFL Listening

В этой секции вы слушаете аудиозаписи (диалоги и лекции) и ответы на вопросы к ним

  • 2 разговора между студентами, преподавателями, работниками университета продолжительностью 3 минуты, 5 вопросов к каждому разговору

  • 3 отрывка из университетской лекции, каждый продолжительностью 3-5 минут, 6 вопросов к каждому отрывку

  • Всего 28 заданий

  • Общее время секции - около 36 минут

  • Длительность каждой аудиозаписи -- 3-5 минут


Примеры заданий "диалоги" (Conversation) и "лекции" (Lectures) секции Listening




Listening Section Directions


The Listening Section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English. You will hear each conversation and lecture only one time. After each conversation or lecture, you will answer some questions about it. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about a speaker’s purpose or attitude. Answer the questions based on what the speaker state or imply.


You may take notes while you listen. You may use your notes to help you answer the questions. Your notes will not be scored.


Some questions have special directions, which appear in a gray box. Most questions are worth one point. If a question is worth more than one point. The directions will indicate how many points you can receive.




Questions 1 - 5

Conversation - TOEFL Listening Section

1. What is the purpose of the conversation?


(A) The man is interviewing the woman for a job in the office.


(B) The woman wants to enroll in the communications program.


(C) The man wants to discuss a change in the course schedule.


(D) The woman is requesting an interview with the dean.




2. Why does the man say this:


(A) To express regrest that the dean is not available.


(B) To state that the dean cannot change his schedule


(C) To let the woman know the dean is very busy


(D) to apologize for the dean's confusing behavior. 



3. Why does the woman want to meet with the dean?


(A) To learn about his ideas and vision.


(B) To ask for a letter of recommendation.


(C) To request a change in the school calendar.


(D) To tell him that she enjoyed his lecture.



4. What can be inferred about the dean?


(A) He is in his office two days a week.


(B) He has been dean for only a short time.


(C) He generally does not give interviews.


(D) He is an excellent public speaker.



5. When will the meeting with the dean take place?


(A) The next day.


(B) The next week.


(C) In two weeks.


(D) In three weeks.


Questions 12-17

Lecture - TOEFL Listening

12. According to the speaker, what did European explorers notice as they sailed toward the shores of North America?


(A) The strength of the wind


(B) The density of the forests


(C) The fragrance of the trees


(D) The Native American villages




13. According to the speaker, why was pine sap a valuable commodity?


(A) It could make wooden ships waterproof.


(B) It was an effective cure for headaches.


(C) It provided an aromatic spice for food.


(D) It was a good material for starting fires.




14. How was the flowering dogweed used?


(A) As a flavoring for candy and soft drinks.


(B) As a spring tonic for pioneer children


(C) As a treatment for fevers and malaria.


(D) As an ingredient in soaps and perfumes.



15. Why does the speaker say this:


(A) She is demonstrating how to brew tea.


(B) She needs someone to help her lift a heavy tree.


(C) She wants the students to smell a piece of wood.


(D) She is giving a recipe for a medicinal tonic.



16. Why was sassafras once considered a wonder tree?


(A) Its fragrance was the sweetest of any American tree.


(B) Its sap could be made into a tar to seal wooden ships.


(C) It provided more board timber than any other tree.


(D) It was tought to be a cure for almost every disease.




17. Listen again to part of the talk. Then answer the question.


What does he speaker imply about sassafras?


(A) It is probably not harmful to humans.


(B) It is no longer a legal medicine.


(C) It is too expensive for most people.


(D) It is available only in drugstores.







Вопросы и ответы о TOEFL


Как часто проводится тестирование TOEFL?
Даты тестирования TOEFL iBT (компьютерный формат теста) устанавливаются заранее, и ознакомиться с ними можно на официальном сайте организации ETS (Educational Testing Service). Как правило, экзамен проводится более 50-ти раз в год в 4500 тестовых центрах в 165 странах. Подробнее узнать о датах и месте проведения TOEFL iBT можно узнать здесь.



Какое количество баллов за тест TOEFL считается хорошим результатом?
Наивысшее количество баллов за тест TOEFL iBT – 120. «Проходной» балл зависит от специфики требований вуза, в который Вы собираетесь поступать. Для получения актуальной информации по условиям следует связаться непосредственно с интересующим вас вузом. При этом следует знать, что даже если представители вуза отрицают наличие определенных требований в отношении минимального проходного балла, как правило, негласный минимум все же существует.



Когда следует начать подготовку к тесту TOEFL?
Для большинства абитуриентов, владеющих английским языком на уровне Upper-Intermediate и Advanced, подготовку к тестированию TOEFL следует начать как минимум за 2-3 месяца до назначенной даты экзамена.

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